
Is Zachary Levi Bowers Ashes Facebook Post Genuine?

Addy Nelson
Is Zachary Levi Bowers Ashes Facebook Post Genuine?
Source - OpinoGem

A Facebook post is circulating that claims a tiny urn with the name “Zachary Levi Bowers” was found. The post urges people to share the message to help return the urn to its rightful owner, suggesting it may have fallen out of someone’s bag or car.

What is the “Zachary Levi Bowers Ashes” Facebook post?

The “Zachary Levi Bowers Ashes” Facebook post claims that a small urn containing ashes, labeled with the name Zachary Levi Bowers, was found in a parking lot in Airdrie.

Zachary Levi Bowers
From – facebook.com

The post urges people to share it widely in hopes of returning the urn to its rightful owner, suggesting it may have accidentally fallen from someone’s bag or car.

The message appeals to the public’s goodwill, asking them to help reunite the ashes with the family.

Our Opinion

The “Zachary Levi Bowers Ashes” Facebook post is a scam designed to deceive users. These posts are being circulated by fake accounts that appear legitimate but are often created using stolen identities.

fake accounts
From – facebook.com

A name linked to this scam is “Alex Corey,” among others. These accounts aim to trick people into clicking on suspicious links, joining unsafe pages, or sharing personal information.

Alex Corey
From – facebook.com

It Is strongly advised against interacting with such posts. Instead of clicking or sharing, users should report the post and the account to Facebook as a scam.

By spreading awareness, we can prevent these scams from causing harm and stop the scammers in their tracks.

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Addy is an expert and web navigator. His passion is to expose the truth about the online world, separating fact from fiction, and debunking myths. He's a well-known MLM expert. Along with MLM and scams Addy loves to play genshin impact and FIFA.
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