
Able App Review: Is Able App Really Legit?

Addy Nelson
Able App Review: Is Able App Really Legit?
Source -OpinioGem

Able App is a personalized health coaching program that claims to help you reach your weight loss goals for better health and wellness. The app promises to support your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

But many are asking Is this platform can truly deliver on its claims and if it’s worth your time and investment.

What is Able App?

Able App offers personalized coaching, progress tracking, and educational content tailored to individual needs.

What is Able App?
From – ableapp.com

Users can enroll, take a quiz, and get matched with a health coach in just a few minutes, making it easy to stay motivated and focused on their goals.

Our Opinion

There are several alarming red flags associated with the Able App that users have raised, mainly focused on misleading charges and poor customer service.

Many customers have reported unauthorized payments, where they were promised a free or low-cost trial, only to be unexpectedly charged higher amounts.

They mentioned being charged immediately after entering their payment details, despite the app confirming that no charges would happen.

From – ableapp.com

The company claims these details are made clear during sign-up, but many users feel the terms are intentionally hidden, leading to confusion and frustration.

This left the user feeling trapped in an unwanted subscription, with no easy way to cancel or receive a refund.

Several reviews also mention poor customer service and a strict no-refund policy, despite refusing to transition from the trial period to a paid subscription.

Requests for refunds are often denied, with the company citing acceptance of their terms and conditions, leaving many users feeling trapped and out of options.

From – ableapp.com

A number of users also expressed concerns over data security, especially after providing personal information during sign-up. There are even claims of the company’s CEO being linked to questionable activities, which has further fueled distrust among users.

These red flags indicate a potential pattern of misleading practices. The push for automatic payments after minimal trial offers, combined with unclear terms and a no-refund policy, suggests a strategy that prioritizes profit over customer satisfaction.

If you’re considering using the Able App, proceed with caution. Always read the fine print carefully, monitor your bank statements closely, and if possible, avoid entering personal or payment information until you’re certain about the terms.

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Addy is an expert and web navigator. His passion is to expose the truth about the online world, separating fact from fiction, and debunking myths. He's a well-known MLM expert. Along with MLM and scams Addy loves to play genshin impact and FIFA.
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