Adnoon Botox Skin Cream is being sold as a miracle product that claims to reduce wrinkles, hydrate the skin, and even treat acne, dark spots, warts, and psoriasis. It sounds too good to be true, and that’s because it probably is.
After digging deeper, we found several red flags that make this product highly suspicious. If you’re thinking about buying it, read this first.
What is Adnoon Botox Skin Cream?
This cream is advertised as a powerful skincare solution that fights wrinkles, sagging skin, acne, and dark spots.
The brand even claims it contains Botox to help users look younger. But despite these big promises, there’s little proof that this product actually works.
One major warning sign is the website selling it. Instead of having an official site linked to a trusted skincare brand, buyers are redirected to a sketchy website called “p rfect s ha p”
Real skincare companies sell their products through professional and well-established platforms, not unknown websites with unclear details.
The fact that this product has no official website with a clear ingredient list, company details, or clinical studies makes it even more questionable.
Another concerning claim is its supposed connection to the Mayo Clinic. The website shows a Mayo Clinic logo to appear more trustworthy, but the truth is that the Mayo Clinic does not endorse any skincare products.
Using a respected medical name without permission is a common trick to fool buyers into believing a product is legitimate.
The product also makes outrageous claims. It supposedly removes wrinkles, heals acne, erases dark spots, gets rid of warts, and even cures psoriasis.
But no single skincare product can fix all these issues.
Many of these conditions require prescription treatments or even medical procedures.
If this cream was really that powerful, top dermatologists and major beauty brands would be talking about it—not just shady online ads.
Another big red flag is the claim that it’s FDA-certified. The website states that the product is “certified by the US Department of Health Products and Foods (FDA),” but that’s not true.
The FDA does not certify skincare products—it only approves drugs and medical devices.
If this cream actually contained Botox, it would require strict FDA approval, which it doesn’t have.
The lack of real FDA documentation strongly suggests that this product’s claims are misleading.
The website also features an endorsement from a so-called dermatologist, Dr. Diana Vor. But after searching medical databases, there’s no record of any real doctor by that name.
This suggests the company invented a fake doctor to make the product seem more trustworthy.
Legitimate skincare brands don’t need fake experts; they have real clinical studies to back up their claims.
Our Opinion
Adnoon Botox Skin Cream does not seem like a product you can trust. The fake medical endorsements, misleading claims, and lack of real scientific proof all point to this being a scam.
A truly effective skincare product wouldn’t need to use shady marketing tricks to convince people to buy it.
If you’re looking for a real anti-aging or skincare solution, talk to a licensed dermatologist.
There are many dermatologist-approved products that have been clinically tested and don’t rely on false advertising.
Buying a product like Adnoon Botox Skin Cream not only wastes your money but could also damage your skin.
What to Do If You Get Scammed?
If you’ve already purchased this cream and think you’ve been scammed, take action immediately.
Contact your bank or credit card company to dispute the charge and request a refund. Many banks allow chargebacks for fraudulent transactions.
If you bought it from a third-party website, report the seller to help prevent others from being scammed.
You should also file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) to warn others.
If the product caused any bad reactions, see a doctor and report it to the FDA’s MedWatch program. is an online store that sells women’s clothing, including dresses, tops, and accessories.