
Cerebrum IQ Review: Is Cerebrum IQ Legit?

Todd Clark
Cerebrum IQ Review
Source - OpinioGem

Cerebrum IQ is an online IQ test platform that has gained attention recently. However, many users have concerns about whether it is legitimate. In this review, we will look at what Cerebrum IQ offers, its refund policies, customer service, legitimacy, and some warning signs to watch out for.

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What is Cerebrum IQ?

Cerebrum IQ is an online platform where you can take IQ tests for a small fee, usually around £0.99. You need to complete the test and pay to get your results. However, many users have complained that this small fee often leads to unexpected charges and subscription traps.

Cerebrum IQ
From Cerebrum IQ

Cerebrum IQ Refund Policy

  • Many users find it hard to get refunds, even when there are clear problems with the service.
  • The refund policy says they review refunds individually, often denying them even when there are technical issues.
  • Many users get caught by terms and conditions that are not clear at the time of purchase.
Cerebrum IQ Trustpilot
From Trustpilot

Cerebrum IQ Customer Service

  • Many users complain about receiving unhelpful, generic responses from customer service.
  • Issues like unauthorized charges and technical faults are often not solved properly, leaving customers upset and losing money.
  • The company often does not fix software problems reported by users.
Customer Service Cerebrum IQ
From Trustpilot

Is Cerebrum IQ Legit?

Many user experiences raise serious concerns about Cerebrum IQ’s legitimacy. The platform’s practices seem misleading, often leading to unauthorized charges and poor customer support. Below are some key red flags to think about before using Cerebrum IQ.

1. Unauthorized Charges

Many users report being charged much more than the advertised £0.99, with some seeing weekly charges of £19.99 or more. These charges often happen without clear permission or prior notice.

2. Misleading Subscription Practices

The platform is criticized for secretly signing up users for expensive subscriptions without their clear consent. Canceling these subscriptions is difficult and takes a lot of effort and time.

3. Poor Customer Service

Customer support is often unresponsive or unhelpful, giving automated replies that don’t solve specific problems. This lack of support makes users even more frustrated and causes them to lose money.

4. No Refund Policy

Cerebrum IQ has a strict no-refund policy, leaving users with little help when they face issues. This policy seems to benefit the company more than the customers.

5. Technical Issues

Users often report technical problems with the IQ test, like freezing and not working correctly. Even when users provide evidence of these problems, their complaints are often ignored or not solved properly.

Trustpilot Review Cerebrum IQ
From Trustpilot

Cerebrum IQ Overview

  • Initial Cost: £0.99 for an IQ test result.
  • Hidden Costs: Unauthorized charges ranging from £19.99 per week.
  • Customer Support: Automated and unresponsive.
  • Refund Policy: Very restrictive or non-existent.
  • User Experience: Negative, with many reports of scams and poor service.


Cerebrum IQ’s practices raise serious concerns about its legitimacy. The platform’s misleading charges, poor customer service, and lack of transparency suggest it may not be a trustworthy option for online IQ testing. Be cautious and do thorough research before using Cerebrum IQ.

Read: Exbiom Review

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Clark is a 26-year-old expert working for consumer protection, Clark has dedicated years to identifying and exposing fraudulent schemes. He is working with NGOs to help people who are victims of scams. In his free time, Todd plays football or goes to a bar.
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