
CTRMA Toll Text Scam!

Todd Clark
CTRMA Toll Text Scam
Source - OpinioGem

If you have received a text saying you owe money for unpaid tolls from the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA), keep reading. We will explain why this message is a scam and how to protect yourself.

What is CTRMA Toll Text?

The CTRMA Toll Text is a fake text message that says you owe money for unpaid tolls. These messages look like they are from CTRMA but are meant to trick you into clicking on bad links and giving away your personal information.

CTRMA Toll Text

CTRMA Toll Text Scam

Recently, many people have received text messages like: “Mobility Authority toll services. Our records show that your vehicle has an unpaid toll invoice. To avoid extra charges, pay your balance at CTRmol.com.”

  • Urgency and Threats: These messages create urgency by threatening extra charges, hoping you will act quickly without thinking.
  • Direct Communication: CTRMA has stated on its official website that it never asks for personal information via text.

CTR Toll Services

CTR Toll Services are the real operations managed by the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority. They collect tolls and provide updates to customers who choose digital billing and electronic invoices.

  • Official Communications: Real messages from CTRMA will never ask for personal information via text.
  • Verification: Always check any toll-related messages by visiting the official CTRMA website.

Is CTRMA Toll Text Legit?

No, the CTRMA Toll Text is not legitimate. It is a scam designed to steal your personal information and money. Always check the sender’s authenticity before clicking on any links or providing any information.

1. Incorrect URL

The scam message uses a URL that looks like the official one but is different. Always double-check URLs before clicking.

2. Sense of Urgency

Scammers create urgency by threatening extra charges if you do not act immediately. Real companies usually give you plenty of time to handle issues.

3. Request for Personal Information

CTRMA will never ask for personal information via text. Any request for such information should be a big red flag.

4. Non-Functional Website

Scam websites often have limited functionality. Only the payment button works, while other parts of the site might be inactive or lead to errors.

5. Unsolicited Messages

If you get a toll text message out of the blue and you have not signed up for electronic billing, it is likely a scam.

CTRMA Toll Text Scam Overview

The CTRMA Toll Text Scam sends fake messages that look like they are from CTRMA. These messages try to trick you into visiting a fake website and giving your personal information or making payments. The scam uses urgency and official-looking URLs to fool people.


Scams like the CTRMA Toll Text are becoming more common, but staying informed and alert can protect you. Always check the authenticity of any toll-related messages by visiting the official CTRMA website.

Be careful of urgent payment requests and unsolicited messages. If in doubt, contact CTRMA directly using the contact information from their official website.

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Clark is a 26-year-old expert working for consumer protection, Clark has dedicated years to identifying and exposing fraudulent schemes. He is working with NGOs to help people who are victims of scams. In his free time, Todd plays football or goes to a bar.
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