
Drawmade.com Review: Legit or Scam?

By Milan
Drawmade.com Review
Source- OpinioGem

Drawmade.com claims to be a platform that makes custom giftable items for customers on a demand basis like custom floor mats and decoration items and sells them at competitive prices.

This article provides a detailed review on Drawmade.com, helping you decide before purchasing the product.

This website is registered on 2022-04-28.

Drawmade Reviews Reddit:

What is Drawmade.com?

Drawmade is a creative and unique manufacturer that combines Jewelry, Home & Living, and Apparel into one platform. They mainly deal in creating gorgeous pieces tailored to individual user needs.

Their price is also affordable as follows the direct-to-consumer model, reaching customers in over 150 countries. they make products on demand base which makes their every product unique.

Is Drawmade legit?

Here are some Red Flags of Drawmade.com to conclude whether it’s legit or not:

Copied Websites

When we looked for Drawmade on Google, we noticed a similar website called Drawelry.com. After reading the Drawelry review and visiting its website, we found that it had the same products for sale. Scam websites commonly use these practices to fool more people.

Drawmade similar website design
Source- OpinioGem

Risky Hosting Place

This website is registered from a place where most scam websites are created and these websites only work to steal user’s money and personal data. Drawmade is located in China.

Drawmade.com whoislookup
Source- WhoisDomain

Lack of Reviews

Surprisingly, there are close to no reviews on Google. With a great traffic of almost more than 256K as checked from SimilarWeb, It has no Physical address along with negligible reviews on Trustpilot or anywhere, which is quite suspicious.

Drawmade.com lack of Reviews
Source- Trustpilot

Read: Claire’s Florence, KY. Review

Drawmade.com Review: Legit or Scam?


Drawmade.com Review

Our Opinion

Drawmade.com seems to have suspicious activity involvement from a Risky Hosting Location to a lack of reviews on the Internet.

If you are planning to buy from Drawmade, Be cautious and Make sure to read all the details and understand the return policy.


You should also be Aware of these types of Scam:

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By Milan
Milan is a Computer Science persuit and apart from this he thoroughly evaluate websites and online services to help readers make smart decisions. Through in-depth research and analysis, he expose any potential scams or shady practices, giving readers the facts they need. When he's behind a post, you can trust that it's been thoroughly researched and carefully written.
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