EverGloss.co.uk Review: Legit or Scam?

By Clark
EverGloss.com Review
Source - OpinioGem

They say their EverGloss Leather and Furniture Repair Salve is the best way to make your old furniture look new again. But before you hurry to buy some, I wanted to check out EverGloss and see if it really works. Get ready, because things might get a little shiny and suspicious.

What is EverGloss.co.uk?

EverGloss.co.uk is an online store that sells leather and furniture repair salves. They say this product can revive leather and wood furniture by deeply penetrating it to restore its shine. Their website claims they have over 50,000 happy customers and many great reviews praising the product.

From EverGloss.co.uk

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Is EverGloss.co.uk Legit?

The website is newly registered on 30-05-24. So, it has very little chance of being a legitimate site. Here are some Red Flags to watch out for, based on Our Research.

Red Flags

Copied Images: A quick Google image search showed that EverGloss uses product images copied from another company, just adding their logo to these pictures.

EverGloss.co.uk pic
From EverGloss.co.uk

False Endorsements: EverGloss claims to be endorsed by big names like The Sunday Times, Better Homes, and Decor. However, there’s no proof of these endorsements, making it likely they are fake.

Fake Reviews: The positive reviews on their website seemed strange. Reverse image searches revealed that the profile pictures for these reviews are used in many different places online, suggesting the reviews might be fake.

Lack of Contact Information: Their website only has a basic contact form, with no phone number, email address, or physical address given. This lack of information is a big warning sign, as real companies should be easy to contact.

Deceptive Marketing Practices: The copied images, fake reviews, and false endorsements all suggest that EverGloss is using deceptive marketing practices.

EverGloss.co.uk Overview

EverGloss.co.uk markets its leather and furniture repair salve as a miracle product. They say it can revive leather and wood furniture by deeply penetrating and restoring its shine.

Despite their big claims and supposed endorsements from reputable sources, their use of copied images and fake reviews makes their legitimacy questionable. Additionally, the lack of contact information raises concerns about their customer service and transparency.

EverGloss.co.uk Review


EverGloss.com Review

Our Opinion

The red flags surrounding EverGloss.co.uk paint a concerning picture. Copying images, Fake reviews, inventing endorsements, and hiding from communication all indicate a company with questionable practices.

Without any guarantee that the product works as advertised, it’s best to save your hard-earned money and choose a trusted brand for your furniture care needs.


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By Clark
Clark is a student studying computer science. He spends as much time online as possible. He is committed to offering precise evaluations to assist users in differentiating between legitimate platforms and potential scams.
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