
Is Refund Selection Legit? Find Out the Truth Behind the Website

Todd Clark
Refund Selection Review
Source - refundselection.com

We’re taking a closer look at RefundSelection.com to see what’s really going on. If you’re thinking about using this service to get your school refunds, wait—there’s something important you should know. Refund Selection works with BankMobile, a financial service mainly for students, especially those at community colleges. But is it really the best way to handle your refunds, or is there more to it?

What is Refund Selection?

Refund Selection is a website that teams up with BankMobile to help students get their school refunds.

It seems like a handy way to get your money, especially when you’re busy with classes.

The site helps you choose how to get your refund, but it often nudges you to open a BankMobile account.

Here’s the catch—things aren’t as simple as they look.

After signing up, you might find out there’s no refund waiting for you. Instead, the service pushes you to open a BankMobile account, where fees can start piling up.

These hidden costs can eat away at your refund, making the process more expensive than you expected.

The website can be confusing, and students might end up stuck with costly accounts that are hard to close.

Refund Selection
From refundselection.com

How to Use Refund Selection

If you decide to use Refund Selection, you’ll follow a few steps. First, you’ll get an email or letter telling you to visit the website and enter a personal code.

This code lets you pick how you want to get your refund—direct deposit, a paper check, or a new BankMobile account.

But things can get tricky. Many users say they run into problems after entering their information.

You might be told there’s no refund, yet the site still pushes you to set up a BankMobile account, which can come with hidden fees.

Be sure to read all the fine print, so you know exactly what you’re signing up for. These accounts can be hard to close and might cost you more in the long run.

Our Opinion

We think Refund Selection has some serious issues you should know about.

The service seems more interested in getting students to open BankMobile accounts than in giving out refunds.

This can be a problem, especially for students who don’t fully understand the terms, leading to extra fees.

Some people have had good experiences with BankMobile, especially for financial aid, but others report delays, bad customer service, and surprise charges.

These problems can be a big hassle, especially if you’re on a tight budget.

We suggest looking into other ways to get your school refunds, like going straight to your school’s financial aid office or checking out credit unions, which often have better terms and fewer fees.

What to Do If You Get Scammed?

If you think Refund Selection or BankMobile has scammed you, here’s what you can do.

First, contact your school’s financial aid office right away. They might help you get your money back or find another way to get your refund.

Next, call BankMobile’s customer service and ask them to close your account. Make sure they remove all your personal and banking information.

Keep trying, even if it’s tough—some people say it’s hard to get their accounts deleted.

You can also file a complaint with your state’s attorney general or consumer protection agency. They might be able to investigate and help you more.

In conclusion, while Refund Selection might look convenient, it comes with big risks that students need to be aware of.

By knowing what could go wrong and taking steps to protect yourself, you can avoid costly traps and make sure your refunds are handled safely.

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Clark is a 26-year-old expert working for consumer protection, Clark has dedicated years to identifying and exposing fraudulent schemes. He is working with NGOs to help people who are victims of scams. In his free time, Todd plays football or goes to a bar.
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