
Is Rentalcover.com Legit: Honest Opinion!

Addy Nelson
Is Rentalcover.com Legit: Honest Opinion!
Source - OpinioGem

Rentalcover.com a company, owned by Cover Genius, offers customized solutions for car rental insurance, and claims to protect customers from inflated repair bills and hidden costs from rental car companies. It claims to work with top insurers to offer coverage globally, benefiting from their expertise.

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What is Rentalcover.com?

RentalCover.com offers complete insurance and protection for rental cars, covering damages, theft, and additional issues. This includes coverage for flat tires, cracked windshields, damaged headlights, lost keys, and towing, as well as high charges for loss of use, processing, relocation, and towing.

What is Rentalcover.com?
From – RentalCover.com

Rentalcover.com Reviews Reddit

RentalCover.com has approvals and positive experiences related to purchasing insurance, users have varied opinions on its effectiveness in handling claims

Mixed Experiences with Claims

Some users have shared that while they have used RentalCover.com multiple times, they never had to make a claim. This leaves them unable to fully assess how well the company handles claims.

Mixed Experiences with Claims
From – Reddit

Trust Signals from Large Platforms

One user noted that RentalCover.com is used by Rentalcars.com, a major car rental aggregator. However, this user admitted that their knowledge is limited to the insurance purchase experience and does not extend to handling claims.

Trust Signals from Large Platforms
From – Reddit

Caution Advised

Some users expressed doubt about trusting reviews or recommendations without verifying sources. They highlighted the importance of reading the terms and conditions carefully, as experiences with claims can vary widely.

Caution Advised
From – Reddit

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Is RentalCover worth it?

RentalCover.com generally has high ratings, with many users giving it a 5-star review. However, some users have noted a few red flags.

Issues with Policy Coverage and Claims

Several users have experienced problems with RentalCover’s coverage. For example, a user faced a charge for a minor scratch, which should have been covered by RentalCover. Despite numerous attempts to claim, the user received no response, and accessing their account was impossible due to issues with receiving OTPs.

Issues with Policy Coverage and Claims
From – Trustpilot

Problems with Policy Issuance and Refunds

There are reports of users being charged for insurance that was never issued. Some users saw their payments debited but never received their policies. Attempts to contact the company have been unsuccessful, leaving users unable to recover their money or get their policies.

Problems with Policy Issuance and Refunds
From – Trustpilot

Duplicate Orders and Cancellation Issues

Some users have faced problems canceling their policies, especially when the rental car pick-up was delayed or missed or the pick-up date has passed. Additionally, errors on RentalCover’s website have led to multiple orders being placed unintentionally.

Duplicate Orders and Cancellation Issues
From – Trustpilot

Additional Charges and Misleading Information

Users have been shocked to discover they still needed to pay for insurance directly with the rental car provider. This added expense has led to frustration, as it was often cheaper to purchase insurance directly from the rental company.

Additional Charges and Misleading Information
From – Trustpilot

Poor Customer Service and Unresponsive Claims

Many users report significant issues with RentalCover’s customer service. Some users have filed claims but received only automated responses, despite repeated requests for updates. Calls to the company’s listed number also led to a message indicating the number was out of service.

Poor Customer Service and Unresponsive Claims
From – Trustpilot


RentalCover.com promises complete coverage for rental cars, including damage, theft, and other issues like flat tires and lost keys.

However, user experiences are mixed. While some find the initial purchase smooth, issues often arise with claims and customer service.

Users have reported problems such as unresponsive claims processes, policy issuance errors, and unexpected additional charges, leading many to advise caution.

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Addy is an expert and web navigator. His passion is to expose the truth about the online world, separating fact from fiction, and debunking myths. He's a well-known MLM expert. Along with MLM and scams Addy loves to play genshin impact and FIFA.
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