Libiyi Cooling Ace Review: Legit or Scam?

By Clark
Libiyi Cooling Ace Review
Source - OpinioGem

Sheram Cooling Ace claims to be a great cooling solution with three-speed settings, a compact design, and refreshing air for hot days. But before you decide to buy it, let’s look at some warning signs that might show if this product is real or a scam.

What is Libiyi Cooling Ace?

The Libiyi Cooling Ace is sold as a high-quality, portable fan for your desk. It has three-speed settings, a sleek design, and promises efficient cooling. It costs $80 on and seems like a great addition to your home or workspace.

Libiyi Shirem Cooling Ace
From Libiyi Shirem Cooling Ace

Read: Outfany Cooling Ace Review

Is Libiyi Cooling Ace Legit?

Even though the fan sounds great, there are several reasons to doubt if the Libiyi Cooling Ace is legit. Let’s Find some Potential Red Flags.

1. Price Difference

The Sheram Cooling Ace is $80 on, but a quick search on Amazon shows the same fan for half the price. This big price difference makes us wonder if Libiyi is overcharging.

Libiyi Cooling Ace
From Amazon Libiyi Cooling Ace

2. Negative Reviews

On Trustpilot, there are many negative reviews about Customers have complained about not getting refunds, receiving poor quality products, and bad customer service. Many orders from China also take weeks to arrive, causing more frustration.

Trustpilot Sheram Cooling Ace
From Trustpilot

3. Fake Address

The address listed on seems fake. When checked, no company exists at that address. This is a big warning sign of potential fraud.

Sheram Cooling Contact Us
From Libiyi Cooling Ace Contact Us

4. Copied Images and Descriptions

A search on Google shows that the product images and descriptions on are copied from other sites like Walmart and Amazon. The Sheram Cooling Ace’s description and images are taken from another website called, showing a lack of originality and possible fraud.

5. Bad Customer Service

Many reviews mention that does not have good customer service. Complaints about unanswered questions, no refunds, and bad support are common, suggesting the company might not be trustworthy.

Truspilot Customer Service
From Trustpilot

Libiyi Cooling Ace Overview

To sum up, the Libiyi Cooling Ace seems like a good cooling fan. But the high price compared to other sites, bad customer reviews, fake addresses, copied content, and poor customer service suggest potential problems. These warning signs indicate the product might not be as good as it claims, and the company might not be reliable.

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Libiyi Cooling Ace Review


Libiyi Cooling Ace Review

Our Opinion

Because of these warning signs, be careful when thinking about buying from The Sheram Cooling Ace might be part of a scam. It’s better to buy from well-known websites that have good customer reviews and reliable service.


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By Clark
Clark is a student studying computer science. He spends as much time online as possible. He is committed to offering precise evaluations to assist users in differentiating between legitimate platforms and potential scams.
3 Reviews