
Nextshoess Review: Is This Another Online Scam?

Todd Clark
Nextshoess Review
Source - OpinioGem

Nextshoess claims to be a top spot for buying sneakers, especially those hard-to-find ones in New Zealand. At first, Nextshoess might look like a real online store. But there are some warning signs that make people wonder if it’s actually a scam.

What is Nextshoess?

Nextshoess is a website that says it sells a wide variety of sneakers, focusing on the needs of people in New Zealand who can’t find certain models in local stores.

The site offers competitive prices and exclusive collections, making it seem like a great place for sneaker lovers.

But when you look closer, there are many issues and bad customer experiences that tell a different story.

For example, the website’s domain, nextshoess.co.nz, is suspicious because of its misleading promises and hidden fees.

Customers say they were charged in USD, even though the site is supposed to be for New Zealanders, leading to unexpected extra costs.

Also, the company’s contact information, like a US phone number and no real customer service, raises more doubts about whether it’s legit.

From Nextshoess.co.nz

Our Opinion

Nextshoess shows all the signs of being a scam. Many negative reviews and shared experiences across different platforms reveal a pattern of dishonesty.

Customers often report being overcharged, receiving fake or wrong items, and finding it impossible to get any help from customer service.

The website looks like a real store, but when you dig deeper, the information is either vague or outright false.

For example, the company claims to have a physical location in Auckland, New Zealand, but its address doesn’t match any real place, and the phone number connects to a different country.

These problems, along with the fact that some users were hit with high cancellation fees or never got their orders, suggest that Nextshoess is more interested in scamming people than selling shoes.

What to Do If You Get Scammed?

If you think you’ve been scammed by Nextshoess or a similar website, act fast.

Start by contacting your bank or credit card company to dispute the charge and ask for a chargeback.

This could help you get your money back from the scam site.

Also, report the scam to your local consumer protection agency or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to help stop others from getting scammed.

Lastly, share your experience on public review sites and forums.

This not only warns others but also helps build a stronger case against the scam website, which could lead to its shutdown or legal action.

In conclusion, even though Nextshoess might tempt you with great deals and rare sneakers, the evidence suggests it’s not a legitimate business.

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Clark is a 26-year-old expert working for consumer protection, Clark has dedicated years to identifying and exposing fraudulent schemes. He is working with NGOs to help people who are victims of scams. In his free time, Todd plays football or goes to a bar.
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