
OffBrand Apparel Review: Does It Worth Your Money?

Addy Nelson
OffBrand Apparel Review: Does It Worth Your Money?
Source - OpinioGem

OffBrand Apparel claims its clothing is stylish, comfortable, and made from high-quality materials. The brand promises trendy designs that stand out, and claims to provide value and fashion in every piece.

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What is OffBrand Apparel?

OffBrand Apparel is an online store offering themed T-shirts and shorts in designs inspired by basketball, football, movies, and music. It also offers unbeatable prices, with a special $9.99 storewide approval sale.

What is OffBrand Apparel?
From – offbrandapparel.co

Offbrand Apparel.co Reddit

Many users report red flags when dealing with OffBrand Apparel. Here are some key issues based on their experiences.

Unauthorized Charges

Several customers reported additional unauthorized charges to their accounts after the initial purchase. Charges often appeared under unrelated categories like “Hair Accessories”.

Unauthorized Charges
From – Reddit

Stolen Images

Users noticed that OffBrand Apparel’s images were taken from other websites, indicating that the products might not be genuine. This practice added to the overall distrust of the brand.

Stolen Images
From – Reddit

Fake Sales Timers

Users noted that the countdown timers for sales on the website would reset every time they revisited the page, indicating a false sense of urgency to push for quick purchases.

Fake Sales Timers
From – Reddit

Delivery Delays and Tracking Issues

Users received tracking links that led to unreliable sites. Delivery dates kept changing, with packages being delayed multiple times. These issues led many to suspect the legitimacy of the tracking information provided.

Delivery Delays and Tracking Issues
From – Reddit

Suspicious Bank Activity

Some users received alerts from their banks about suspicious activity shortly after making a purchase. Users had to lock their cards and discuss the transactions with their banks.

Suspicious Bank Activity
From – Reddit

Lack of Communication

Customers tried to contact OffBrand Apparel via email and phone but received no responses. The phone numbers listed were often fake or non-working. Emails went unanswered, leaving customers without any support.

Fake Business Information

When users attempted to report the company to the Better Business Bureau, they found that the company’s name did not appear on the BBB website. This absence reinforced suspicions about the company’s authenticity.

Fake Business Information
From – Reddit


OffBrand Apparel Overview

OffBrand Apparel promotes its clothing as stylish, comfy, and made from high-quality materials, promising trendy designs and value. However, many customers have reported issues.

Users have faced unauthorized charges, often under unrelated categories. The brand’s images appear stolen from other sites. Sales timers reset, creating a false sense of urgency.

Delivery issues and unreliable tracking links have also caused frustration. Additionally, users have experienced suspicious bank activity and poor customer service, with no response to their inquiries.

The brand’s absence from the Better Business Bureau further fuels skepticism about its legitimacy.

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Addy is an expert and web navigator. His passion is to expose the truth about the online world, separating fact from fiction, and debunking myths. He's a well-known MLM expert. Along with MLM and scams Addy loves to play genshin impact and FIFA.
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