Parisi Studios PayPal charge invoice Review: Legit or Scam?

By Addy
Parisi Studios PayPal charge invoice Review: Legit or Scam
Source - OpinioGem

Recently, there’s been a talk about the Parisi Studios PayPal charge invoice. Many people have reported receiving these PayPal invoices, which claim they’ve authorized a payment to Parisi Studios. These invoices instruct recipients to call a provided number, leading them to pay the invoice or share their PayPal account, credit card, or bank details.

What is Parisi Studios?

Parisi Studios ( is the official online store of Anthony J. Parisi, an award-winning illustrator and caricaturist. Anthony launched Parisi Studios in March 2002 to showcase and sell his artwork.

What is Parisi Studios?
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But, scammers have recently targeted the brand, sending fake PayPal invoices via email to deceive people.

How does Parisi Studios’ PayPal charge invoice Scam work?

The scammers behind this scheme use a series of strategic steps to extract money from victims’ accounts, Here’s how it works:

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Obtaining PayPal Login Credentials

Scammers acquire PayPal login details through various methods. They might hack into databases, or more commonly, use phishing attacks, and trick users into providing their login information. Once scammers have these credentials, they can access the victims’ PayPal accounts.

Entering the PayPal Account

With the stolen login information, scammers log into the victims’ PayPal accounts. This access allows them to review the account balance, linked bank accounts, and credit cards, giving them the tools to start unauthorized transactions.

Testing the Waters with Small Charges

Before making significant withdrawals, scammers usually test the account by making small charges. Since these charges are often small amounts, they may go unnoticed by the account holder or be mistaken for legitimate transactions.

Masquerading as a Merchant

To disguise their actions, scammers use a fake merchant name, such as “Parisi Studios. By appearing as a legitimate business, the scammers hope the charges will blend in with other genuine purchases.

Extracting Funds

Once the initial small charges are successful, scammers move on to larger transactions. They might continue with a series of small changes over time, or they could attempt one or more withdrawals.

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Reddit Reviews

  • A user avoided clicking on the email and directly checked their PayPal app, finding no transaction, confirming it was a scam.
Reddit Reviews
From – Reddit
  • Users identified the scam when they saw notes like “is this fraud? Contact us immediately,” indicating an attempt to trick through official-looking messages.
Reddit Reviews
From – Reddit
  • A user verified that genuine emails always address recipients by their names, which the scam email failed to do.
Reddit Reviews
From – Reddit
  • Careful reading reveals that scammers misuse the payment request note to make it appear as if a payment has already been made.

How to Protect Yourself from PayPal Scams?

To protect your PayPal account from scams like the Parisi Studios’ charge invoice scam, follow these tips:

  • Be Wary of Phishing Attempts: PayPal will never ask for your password via email. Always scan emails or messages claiming to be from PayPal. Never click on links or provide personal information unless you are sure the communication is legitimate.
  • Monitor Your Account Regularly: Frequently check your PayPal account for any suspicious activity. If you notice small, unexplained charges, investigate immediately.
  • Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Confirm your PayPal password is strong and unique. Avoid using the same password across multiple sites to reduce the risk of widespread account compromise.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Adding an extra layer of security through 2FA can prevent unauthorized access, even if scammers obtain your password.
  • Report Suspicious Activity: If you detect unauthorized transactions, report them to PayPal immediately and change your account password.

Read: Review

Parisi Studios PayPal charge invoice Review


Parisi Studios PayPal charge invoice Review: Legit or Scam

Our Opinion

It is important to understand Parisi Studios’ PayPal charge scam. Scammers use phishing to get your login details, and then access your account. They test with small charges before making larger withdrawals. Always scrutinize emails, monitor your account, use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and report any suspicious activity to stay safe.


You should also be aware of these types of Scam: Review

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By Addy
Addy, a college student who loves to navigate the web. He dives into online info, making sure it's true. He loves to write about legit websites. He busts myths and checks facts, helping others to know about what's real online.
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