
RideBNB Review: Is This MLM Crypto Gifting Scheme a Scam?

Todd Clark
RideBNB Review
Source - OpinioGem

RideBNB is one such platform, promoting itself as an easy way for crypto lovers to make money through a gifting scheme.

It promises to turn small investments into ongoing payments.

But the big question is, can RideBNB keep its promises, or is it just another scam?

What is RideBNB?

RideBNB is based on a crypto-gifting scheme. People join the system by “gifting” Binance Coin (BNB) to the person who recruited them.

After this payment, they qualify to receive similar gifts from people they bring into the system.

The platform uses a 2×12 matrix, meaning each person can recruit two more people, and those people can recruit two more, continuing for 12 levels.

This may sound like an easy way to make money, but the truth is troubling.

The system mainly benefits the founder and early members, while most new people lose money.

Like other pyramid schemes, RideBNB needs constant recruitment to survive.

Once people stop joining, the system collapses, and late joiners are left with nothing.

This is a common problem in MLM gifting schemes—they don’t last, and most people lose money.

From RideBNB

Our Opinion

There are many reasons to be cautious with RideBNB.

First, crypto-gifting schemes like this are illegal in many countries because they resemble Ponzi schemes.

RideBNB moves money from new members to older ones without offering any real product or service.

This setup makes it so only a few at the top make money, while those at the bottom, usually the new members, lose out.

Also, the use of Binance Coin (BNB) adds more risk.

Cryptocurrencies can go up and down in value quickly, so any drop in BNB’s price could reduce the money participants make.

Since RideBNB relies on constant recruitment, people who join later will likely lose a lot of money.

RideBNB’s ads are also concerning. They promise easy money and push people to recruit aggressively, but they don’t clearly explain the risks.

The payout plan looks good at first, but it doesn’t talk about what happens when recruitment slows down.

In short, RideBNB is a risky platform that preys on people’s desire to get rich quickly through crypto.

Like many MLM gifting schemes, it mainly helps those at the top and leaves everyone else at a loss.

In our opinion, the risks far outweigh any possible rewards.

What to Do If You Get Scammed?

If you’ve already put money into RideBNB and think you were misled, here’s what you should do:

  1. Stop Payments: Cancel any automatic payments or planned investments right away to avoid more losses.
  2. Gather Evidence: Save screenshots, transaction details, and any messages with the platform or recruiter. This will help if you want to take legal action or report the scam.
  3. Report the Scam: Let local authorities or financial regulators know about the platform. The more reports they get, the faster they can take action.
  4. Seek Legal Advice: If you’ve lost a lot of money, it may help to talk to a lawyer who knows about cryptocurrency or financial scams. They might help you recover some of your money.
  5. Warn Others: Spread the word on social media, forums, or review sites. Your experience could help prevent others from falling for the same scam.

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Clark is a 26-year-old expert working for consumer protection, Clark has dedicated years to identifying and exposing fraudulent schemes. He is working with NGOs to help people who are victims of scams. In his free time, Todd plays football or goes to a bar.
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