Review: Legit or Scam?

By Milan Review
Source- OpinioGem

With a tagline of Rumposity “Where fashion meets quality!”. Rumposity claims to specialize in offering the latest trends in clothing with a unique blend of design, sales, and service. Their motto is “Free Fashion, Perfect Quality,” ensuring you get stylish and high-quality apparel.

What is offers a wide selection of fashion apparel at affordable prices and is a popular choice for online shopping. Their claim for dedication to high standards and customer contentment sets them apart. The store showcases a diverse range of clothing choices, all crafted with a focus on style and superior quality.

It was registered newly two months ago.

Is legit?

Let’s see if this website is legit or a scam to ensure your safety with this website:

No Social Media Accounts

The absence of social media on this website has raised concerns. Legitimate businesses actively engage with customers on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to study them and make their product sales boom.

No social media

Similar Website Design

Rumposity’s website design is very similar to known scam sites. Similar layouts, fonts, or color schemes make this site suspicious.

Similar website design

No Contact Information

This website lacks in phone numbers and physical address. The absence of this information makes it challenging for customers to seek assistance or resolve issues.

no contact info

Copied Product Images

The product images appear copied from other websites or stock photo libraries, which raises questions about the authenticity of the products. Legit website showcases original, high-quality photos.

stolen product images

Lack of Reviews

Genuine customer reviews provide valuable insights into product quality and service. The absence of reviews on leaves buyers in the dark about others’ experiences.

Hidden Address and Owner Details

Hiding essential information, such as the company’s physical address or owner details, raises questions in minds. Legitimate businesses are open to sharing these details.

Owner hidden details
Source- whois

Low Security Rating (16)

A security rating of 16 (out of 100) indicates potential vulnerabilities. Users should be cautious when sharing personal information or transacting on such sites.

Read: Review Review: Legit or Scam?

Milan Review

Our Opinion

While offers fashion allure, several red flags seek careful consideration. The absence of social media accounts copied product images, and a low-security rating raise concerns. Additionally, hidden contact information and missing reviews add to the uncertainty. Users are advised to be cautious while going through this website.

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By Milan
Milan is a Computer Science persuit and apart from this he thoroughly evaluate websites and online services to help readers make smart decisions. Through in-depth research and analysis, he expose any potential scams or shady practices, giving readers the facts they need. When he's behind a post, you can trust that it's been thoroughly researched and carefully written.
2 Reviews