
Vevor.com Review: Is Vevor.com Legit?

Todd Clark
Vevor.com Review
Source - OpinioGem

Vevor.com is an online store selling different industrial and commercial products. In this article, we will do a vevor.com review and help you decide whether it’s legit or a scam.

What is Vevor.com?

Vevor.com is an online store that sells a variety of industrial and commercial products. Vevor offers a wide range of tools, equipment, and supplies for different industries, aiming to provide customers with affordable and reliable products.

Vevor.com Review
from Vevor.com

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Is Vevor.com Legit?

We found several Red flags of Vevor.com based on user reviews on Trustpilot and Reddit.

Delivery Issues

Many people said they didn’t get their products from Vevor.com, even after being told multiple times that they were sent. One customer was supposed to be cheated out of $200 because they never received their order.

Vevor.com Review
from trustpilot.com

Poor Customer Service

Many people say Vevor’s customer support is almost useless. One user had to contact customer service multiple times but was told incompatible information. This poor support makes many customers feel frustrated.

Vevor.com Review
from trustpilot.com

Quality Issues

Users often reported receiving products that were of lower quality than expected. For example, one person received a tool that broke after just one use. This has raised concerns about the reliability of Vevor’s products.

Pricing Issues

Users usually paid more than they expected due to hidden fees and charges. For example, one person paid $150 for a product that was advertised as $100. Some customers even found cheaper alternatives elsewhere after buying from Vevor.

Vevor.com Review
from trustpilot.com

Refund and Return Problems

Many users had problems getting refunds or returning products. For example, one person tried to return a faulty product but was told they were ineligible for a refund. This has left many customers feeling cheated.

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Vevor.com Overview

Vevor.com sells a lot of tools and equipment, promising good quality and low prices. But many customers had problems. They waited a long time for their orders and got bad or wrong items. When they asked for help, customer support was not helpful and asked them to pay more or return the items first.

Some customers couldn’t get their money back, even after showing proof of the issues. Many people also say customer support is rude and unreliable.

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Clark is a 26-year-old expert working for consumer protection, Clark has dedicated years to identifying and exposing fraudulent schemes. He is working with NGOs to help people who are victims of scams. In his free time, Todd plays football or goes to a bar.
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